FFMPEG converter script
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#!/bin/bash # Define the source and destination directories source_dir="/media/nextcloud/msgcnx/walt/files/Teacher/Math/Algebra 1/Lesson Videos" destination_dir="/media/nextcloud/msgcnx/walt/files/Teacher/Math/Algebra 1/PUBLIC Lesson Videos" # Check if the source directory exists if [ ! -d "$source_dir" ]; then echo "Source directory not found: $source_dir" exit 1 fi # Check if the destination directory exists if [ ! -d "$destination_dir" ]; then echo "Destination directory not found: $destination_dir" exit 1 fi # Function to convert MOV files to MP4 convert_mov_to_mp4() { local source_file="$1" local destination_file="$2" echo "Converting $source_file" # Perform the conversion ffmpeg -i "$source_file" -c:v libx264 -c:a aac "$destination_file" -nostdin 2>/dev/null chown www-data:www-data "$destination_file" } # Initialize the converted variable outside of the loop converted=0 # Find and convert MOV files in subdirectories while IFS= read -r -d source_file; do # Get the relative path of the source file relative_path="${source_file#$source_dir/}" # Determine the destination file path destination_file="$destination_dir/${relative_path%.*}.mp4" # Check if the corresponding MP4 file already exists in the destination if [ ! -e "$destination_file" ]; then # Ensure the destination directory exists mkdir -p "$(dirname "$destination_file")" # Convert MOV to MP4 and increment the counter convert_mov_to_mp4 "$source_file" "$destination_file" converted=1 fi done < <(find "$source_dir" -type f -name "*.mov" -print0) # Remove any converted mp4 files that do not have a corresponding mov file echo "Removing any extra files" # Clean the destination directory while IFS= read -r -d mp4_file; do other_dir="$source_dir/${mp4_file#${destination_dir}/}" mov_file="${other_dir%.*}.mov" if [ ! -e "$mov_file" ]; then rm "$mp4_file" converted=1 # Set the variable if any files are removed echo "A file was removed" echo "$mp4_file" fi done < <(find "$destination_dir" -type f -name "*.mp4" -print0) # Check if any files were converted if [ "$converted" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Files converted successfully." # sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/next.msgcnx/occ files:scan --path=/walt/files/Teacher/Math/Algebra\ 1/Lesson\ Videos/ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/next.msgcnx/occ files:scan --path="${destination_dir#/media/nextcloud/msgcnx}" chown -R www-data:www-data "$destination_dir" echo "Nextcloud scan complete." else echo "No files were converted." fi exit 0