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MSGCNX MacOS Install
- All the files are located at ~/.qemu/OSX-KVM/
- Inside that folder is a script called which can be run to boot the VM.
- If you need networking in the VM you can run the following four commands on the host to add the network interface:
- sudo ip tuntap add dev tap0 mode tap
- sudo ip link set tap0 up promisc on
- sudo ip link set dev virbr0 up
- sudo ip link set dev tap0 master virbr0
- Or you can run them all at one time by running from withing the .qemu directory
- You will need to create an Apple ID
- Once done you can try to login from the computer and it will work
- BUT it will say acocunt reached
- This did work for the first three blokes that ran this VM!!!
- BUT it will say acocunt reached
- The APP store does not work either.
- But it is relatively snappy.