Backup scheme
Our backup model is setup to have copies of everything we use, in several places, and easily restorable.
The goals we have in mind for our long-term backup system are as follows.
- Nothing is stored only once. Everything has at least one redundancy.
- Everything is stored in more than one location. In most cases this is exodus and somewhere else.
- During normal (non-emergency) operation, everything is easily accessible.
- Backups should be incremental where possible to protect against error code ID-10T. Keep working snapshots from the last hours, days, weeks, months and years.
- Where possible, restoring from a failure should be fast. Transferring large amounts of data over a network across the world should be a last resort that never needs to happen.
Current system
The current setup (1/25/24) has the following repositories of information, backed up to the following places. None of the backups are incremental, all are mirrors synced regularly (most daily some weekly).
- Server msgcnx
- msgcnxFiles- shared on the msgcnx LAN and used by local computers
- Some folders (Teacher) are backed up to on exodus
- Backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/msgcnxFiles
- MediaWiki msgwiki
- Database backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/databases on exodus
- www backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/www on exodus
- ~/.scripts
- Backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/scripts on exodus
- Moodle msgcnx- unused except as reference and source for test conversion
- Database backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/databases on exodus
- Data directory backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/moodledatacnx
- Moodle msgcgk
- Database backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/databases on exodus
- Data directory backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/moodledatacgk
- Moodle msghan
- Database backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/databases on exodus
- Data directory backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/moodledatahan
- Wordpress
- Database backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/databases on exodus
- www backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/www/html on exodus
- Wordpress
- Database backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/databases on exodus
- www backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/www/html on exodus
- Wordpress
- Database backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/databases on exodus
- www backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/www/html on exodus
- Wordpress
- Database not backed up
- www backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/www/html on exodus
- Wordpress
- No known backup
- Wordpress
- No known backup
- OneDrive- Gradekeeper files from CGK, VTE, HAN and CNX
- Backed up to /media/cnx/backup_from_cnx/oneDriveBackups
- No longer necessary as grades are on Populi now
- msgcnxFiles- shared on the msgcnx LAN and used by local computers
- Server msgvte
- msgvtefiles- shared on and used by VTE teachers
- Backs up to /media/vte/backup_from_vte on exodus
- Syncs to on exodus
- Backs up to a local daily and weekly disk
- Wordpress
- Database backed up to /media/vte/backup_from_vte/databases on exodus
- www backed up to /media/vte/backup_from_vte/www on exodus
- Backs up to a local daily and weekly disk
- Moodle msgvte
- Database backed up to /media/vte/backup_from_vte/databases on exodus
- Data directory backed up to /media/vte/backup_from_vte/moodledatavte
- Backs up to a local daily and weekly disk
- Backed up to /media/vte/backup_from_vte on exodus
- Backs up to a local daily and weekly disk
- ~/.scripts
- Backed up to /media/vte/backup_from_vte/scripts on exodus
- Backs up to a local daily and weekly disk
- msgvtefiles- shared on and used by VTE teachers
- Server exodus
- /media/education/yearbook
- Unknown source. This is the only backup, and is currently coming from somewhere
- /media/education/personalBackups
- Backups of a personal Demoss computer
- /media/nextcloud
- Nextcloud data directory of all campuses
- Contains msgcgk, msgcnx, msgdeh, msgdel, msgeducation, msghan, msgvte, walt, gegpak
- Many campuses do not use, nor even know that this exists
- No known complete backups. Portions are stored elsewhere for edge access but not all.
- /media/education/yearbook
How the current system holds up against our goals:
- Some things are not redundant (Nextcloud data, some wordpress)
- Everything that is backed up is backed up to an external location. Some things are still living only on exodus and couple things only on msgcnx
- msgcnxFiles can only be fully easily accessed on the msgcnx LAN. Not a big issue, most commonly used things are on nextcloud as well.
- The closest thing we have to any incremental backups are the daily and weekly backups on vte. Even these are full clones updated regularly, and not snapshots.
- VTE could restore very quickly in case of a hardware fault due to immediately accessible local backups. CNX and EXO would both be in trouble and would require long distance data transfer from each other. In case of a location failure, such as robbery or natural disaster, all servers would require long distance recovery.