IT/Software/Command Line Applications/wakeonlan
You need to allow this in the BIOS first.
Then the computers need to be kept attached to the network and power.
Having them on a UPS is good.
Basic Usage
- Say you are working at home.
- You want to turn on and update all the computers
- You can login to the main server, wake up all the desktops and they update.
- Find out who is on the lan.
sudo arp-scan
- There are countless tutorials on how to do this.
- Making it "persistent" is the tricky bit.
- Install some tools
- test
sudo apt install net-tools ethtool
- net-tools brings ifconfig and arp which allows a LAN scan for MAC addresses
See what is enabled.
sudo ethtool interfaceName
- for example sudo ethtool enp3s0
- look for Wake-on and see what is supported and enabled.
- we want "g"
- Look what is persistent
nmcli c show jademonkeyWired | grep 802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan
- You will get an output like this
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan: magic
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan-password: --
- We want "magic" not "default"
- If not "magic" then modify it by
sudo nmcli c modify jademonkeyWired 802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan magic
Another thing you may need to do is:
sudo ethtool -s enp1s0 wol g
- This does not seem to be as persistent.