General Notes
Input Volume Autoadjust
PulseAudio by default constantly adjusts microphone input volume. This can be good but can be annoying because you cannot manually override it. To stop the autoadjusting the appropriate device needs to have its configuration file changed in /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/. Wherever the file says "volume = merge" in a "[*Mic Boost*]" section it should be changed to "volume = zero". If you don't care to find the right input device config file or want to just do all of them, run this perl script to replace all for you:
sudo perl -pi -0 -e 's/(\[[A-Za-z ]*Mic Boost\][A-Za-z._=\s-]+volume *= *)merge/\1zero/g;' /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/*
Consider backing up the /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths directory beforehand. Reboot to apply chances (restarting pulse may also work. Untested)
On startup Pulse will still adjust the volume. If you want your gains to persist across reboot, comment out the following modules in /etc/pulse/
# load-module module-device-restore # load-module module-stream-restore # load-module module-card-restore
Noise Cancellation
To enable this you need to add one line to one file.
The internet is filled with other options but I do NOT think they help in 90% of usage scenarios.
In the location /etc/pulse/ add the line
load-module module-echo-cancel
Restart pulse
pulseaudio -k
In some scenarios you have to restart pulseaudio a few times.