This application allows you to use one mouse and or keyboard across several computers.
You can buy a copy at
There is one in the repo but usually old and not wtih the advanced features.
I bought one years ago and love it.
For some reason the "Configure Server" dead corners feature does not work.
You need to Save a config(any) in a location. /home/user/.synergy is a great place.
Then manually edit the file.
Take your time to read the file. It is actually very well written.
An example is below from walt's desktop in Chiangmai to the server on the left.
section: screens msgcnx: halfDuplexCapsLock = false halfDuplexNumLock = false halfDuplexScrollLock = false xtestIsXineramaUnaware = false switchCorners = none +top-right +bottom-right switchCornerSize = 0 mimiablo: halfDuplexCapsLock = false halfDuplexNumLock = false halfDuplexScrollLock = false xtestIsXineramaUnaware = false switchCorners = none +top-left +bottom-left switchCornerSize = 100 end section: aliases end section: links msgcnx: right = mimiablo mimiablo: left = msgcnx end section: options relativeMouseMoves = false win32KeepForeground = false disableLockToScreen = false clipboardSharing = true clipboardSharingSize = 23552 switchDelay = 500 switchCorners = none +top-left +bottom-left switchCornerSize = 200 end