IT/Software/Server Config/ZoneEdit
This is the website that we use to manage our domains and DNS
Years ago I missed the chance to have one domain and everything be a subdomain.
Now I am managing 6 domains when I could have had only one. We may still consolidate in the future.
My understanding of DNS is weak at best.
A Names are records that are permanent and static and always at one address.
C names are subdomains that point to another part of the domain or to an entirely outside domain/location.
CAA records are records that tell an SSL provider that they can write a cert for that site. Confirms your ownership.
DYN records are psuedo records that can be updated with a dynamic DNS client. Useful when you have a server on a dynamic IP. At the MSG we have stuck with ddclient.
Every server has a name on the msgeducation domain.
All other domains will cname into those servers.
You may have to temporarily change cnames to CAA records when you are renewing certificates.