IT/Software/Web Applications/Moodle

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Why Moodle

It is the best.

Schools that want to pay a bunch more can get Blackboard.

Moodle is very very active in its development. It is not perfect but sure beats emailing everything.



Update password

  1. Go to and create a new password like... wintersnow123~ (it will look like this: "003df036e1a99aad3eaba7c3ca46723d" without quotes).
  2. Copy the md5 hash password generated from the word you submitted (it's easy) and be prepared to paste it.
  3. Using phpMyAdmin, log into your MySQL database.
  4. Navigate to the user table (for Moodle, it's called "mdl_user") and browse the data.
  5. When you find the "admin" user account, click on edit, and paste in the new password you copied in Step 2 ("003df036e1a99aad3eaba7c3ca46723d"). (Into the password field.) This will replace what you had previously.
  6. Try logging in with your admin user account and the new password (Password: wintersnow123~)

Purge caches

If you get an error on an assignment saying

Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Failed to unserialise data from file. Either failed to read, or failed to write.

It most likely means a cached file is messed up. It can usually be fixed by running

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/moodle/admin/cli/purge_caches.php

(note "cli", admin/purgecaches.php won't work). [1]